

狮語画廊 狮語画廊

ART021上海当代艺术博览会 2022

ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair 2022

狮語画廊 |  Leo Gallery

 E12 Booth 


参展艺术家 | Artists

陈开 Chen Kai |刘正勇 Liu Zhengyong|马丁・韦默尔 Martin Wehmer|牟桓 Mou Huan|黄立言 Huang Liyan|隋长江 Sui Changjiang|王思顺 Wang Sishun|赵一浅 Zhao Yiqian|焯雄 Zhuo Xiong|张文荣 Zhang Wenrong|张宁 Zhang Ning

展期 | Duration 2022.11.10 - 11.13

藏家预览|VIP Preview

2022.11.10(周四|Thu.) 14:00 - 20:00

2022.11.11(周五|Fri.) 13:00 - 20:00

公众开放|Public Days

2022.11.12(周六|Sat.) 11:00 - 18:00

2022.11.13(周日|Sun.) 11:00 - 18:00

地址 | Venue  上海展览中心——延安中路1000号

Shanghai Exhibition Center, No.1000 Middle Yanan Road

参展艺术家介绍|Artists Introduction 

张 文 荣

Zhang Wenrong

无题 Untitled

布面油画 Oil on Canvas 

100 x 80cm, 2021

1982 年生于甘肃张掖,毕业于四川美术学院。国内代表性的跨界艺术家。目前工作生活于北京、上海。主要进行架上绘画、影像动画、电影、装置等领域的创作。


Zhang Wenrong, born in 1982 in Zhangye, Gansu Province, graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. A representative crossover artist in China, he is mainly engaged in easel painting, video animation, film, installation and other fields of creation. He currently he lives and works in Beijing and Shanghai.
Zhang wenrong describes painting as "his own secret diary", transforming his rich inner spirit into expressive brushwork, forming a unique personal style. Zhang's paintings are covered by a sense of sadness, as if he created a world that belonged to  another dimension - both an obscure reflection of reality and a projection of the everyday world that emerges in the nightmare of memory. Apart from painting, Zhang Wenrong is internationally known for his large-scale comprehensive art projects that combine multiple art forms such as earth art and monumental environmental art.

张 宁

  Zhang Ning  

侧耳倾听 5 Listen 5

白色大理石(汉白玉)White Marble

40 x 20 x 20cm,2021

Zhang Ning, born in Shandong Province in 1983 , graduated from Shanghai Normal University School of Fine Arts. He was guided by Qu Guangci and Xiang Jing, now living and working in Shanghai.
He is one of the representative figures of contemporary sculpture in China after the 80's. His creations focus on the exploration of the language of sculpture and the expression of inner feelings. Reflects the reflection on Buddhism and Oriental aesthetics. The work is quiet and introverted, thick and ethereal, to simplicity to abundance.

焯 雄 

  Zhuo Xiong  

归途 Homeward

布面丙烯、油彩 Oil, Acrylic on Canvas

30 x 40cm,2022

焯雄旨在通过作品表达自身对于绘画传统的敬畏与反叛,对于母体⽂化⽣态的留恋与作别,对于当下的思考与提问;去设计、保存⽂明信仰与当代社会的观察。他的作品被广州亚运会、英国皇室成员盖尔·雷布克(Gail Rebuck)女士等机构与藏家收藏。 Zhuo Xiong, born in 1986, graduated from the Royal College of Art with a Master's degree in oil painting in 2018.His works contain memories, lineage and identity of his hometown that are sealed deep down inside his heart, telling the story of his inner journey and cultural experience of moving from his hometown in the north of China to south then abroad. Drawing inspiration from his wanderings and travels, Zhuo Xiong emphasizes the rebellion against the traditions of Western oil painting. 
Zhuo Xiong blends his experience of every aspect of life into his canvas.Through his works, he aims to express his awe and rebellion for the painting tradition, his nostalgia for and farewell to the cultural ecology of the matrix and his thoughts and questions about the present, to preserve the beliefs of civilization and the observation of contemporary society. Zhuo Xiong's works have been collected by the Guangzhou Asian Games, Ms. Gail Rebuckm from British Royal Family and other institutions and collectors.


赵 一 浅  

  Zhao Yiqian  

Fantasy World 2

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

100 x 80cm,2022

Zhao Yiqian, born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2006, majoring in mural painting. He has devoted long time to contemporary art creation and is now a professional artist. He currently lives and works in Shanghai.
Zhao Yiqian was awarded the 3rd Tema Art Prize in Rome, Italy in 2011. His works have been exhibited in many domestic and international exhibitions, including Shanghai Powerlong Museum, Leo Gallery, Today Art Museum and Ullens Center for Contemporary Art. His works have also been collected by many institutions and collectors in China, Australia, Switzerland and so on.


  Sui Changjiang  

酒杯 Whiskey Glass

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

80 x 90cm,2022



Sui Changjiang, born in 1982 in Shandong Province, received his bachelor's degree from Shanghai Normal University in 2006 and his master's degree from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2016. He currently lives and works in Shanghai. 

Sui Changjiang's paintings are drawn from the things around him. Nevertheless, he does not intend to present the everyday life through his works, but rather to explore the emotional weight of the material world in a deviation from a sense of reality.

王 思 顺

Wang Sishun

启示15.11.1 Apocalypse 15.11.1

铝 Aluminum

78 x 15 x 50cm,2015

王思顺,1979 年生于武汉,2008 年毕业于中央美术学院,获硕士学位。现工作生活于北京。

Wang Sishun, born in Wuhan in 1979, graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2008 with a master's degree. He currently lives and works in Beijing.
One can observe Wang's long-standing interest in natural laws and social mechanisms. His work is typically concerned with time and duration, which lead to powerful imagination and unknown future. His "Apocalypse" series in recent years combines geology and anthropology together, reflecting the identities of different ethnic groups of human beings as well as their spiritual implications and personality traits behind it. It connects the history of man with the course of cosmic time beyond man.

黄 立 言 

  Huang Liyan  

高级动物 Higher Animal

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

180 x 180cm,2014

黄立言的绘画创作以现实为锚点,关心个人在现实境遇下的精神困境。他通过绘画感知与平衡个己与世界的关系,在对生存境遇的不断反思中树立了一种独特而切己的表现主义风格。他强调创作的感受力,聚焦于生活中隐秘而动人的时刻,以一种远离尘嚣的旁观视角通过摘取、剪辑与重构组成常带有怪异与幽微意味的场景和画面,让作品在纪实与虚构间获得魔幻现实主义与寓言色彩。他的创作在时间与空间、人物与动物、自我与非我的混杂与冲突间建构出神秘与曲折的语境。 Huang Liyan (b. 1976, Guangdong) graduated in 2007 with a Master’s Degree in Oil Painting from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. He currently lives and works in Guangzhou and Beijing. Huang Liyan's paintings are rooted in reality and are concerned with the dilemmas of individuals in real situations. Through his paintings, he perceives and balances the relationship between himself and the world, establishing a unique expressionist style in his continuous reflection on the living conditions of human. He emphasizes the sensibility of creation, focusing on the often neglected moving moments in life. Through a spectator's perspective, he extracts, edits and reconstructs scenes and images that are often bizarre yet profound, giving his works a sense of magical realism balancing between documentation and fiction-creation. His art constructs mysterious and twisted contexts between the conflicts of time and space, people and animals, self and non-self.


  Martin Wehmer  

无题 Untitled

布面油画 Oil on Canvas 

210 x 170cm,2021

马丁·韦默尔,1966 年生于德国海廷根,布兰肯斯坦。韦默尔是一位纯粹的画家,在传统的绘画技巧上有出神入化的造诣,并拥有勤奋的精神,以及精准和充满智慧的观察力。他对哲理的执着追求,使他的作品中显现出与社会政治相关的语境。 从艺术的编年史出发,他的作品特别关心材料,图像,平面与空间这些在绘画中独特的议题。韦默尔描绘与社会紧密相关的对象,同时仍然保有他个人的欲望和观点。他并不试图使艺术失去物质形态,也不对艺术强加任何背景,更不试图对当代艺术创作的定义提出挑战。相反,他有意地拥抱绘画中传统的一面,让创作出的画去主导和定义创作的过程,成为拜物教的,被渴望的物体。 Martin Wehmer, born in 1966 in Blankenstein J. Hattingen, Germany, is by almost any definition a painter - and one who embraces the traditional craft of his medium by way of extraordinary skill on the one hand, and by his concise and intellectual investigations, pursued with equally extraordinary diligence, on the other. His philosophical conviction explicates the relevance of the work of the artist in his socio-political square.  His work originates from the annals of art history, specifically concerning itself with material, picture, plane, and space—issues distinctive to painting. Wehmer is a manufacturer of an artifice that relies on a socially relevant commodity that stays connected through his personal desire and his predisposition. His intention is not to dematerialize nor contextualize the art to advance how we define art-making today, but he consciously embraces the restrictive property of painting. The painting therefore dictates the artistic activity that has produced it and becomes a fetishistic object of desire.

牟 桓 

  Mou Huan  

蝴蝶谷 Butterfly Valley

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

160 x 140 x 4cm,2021

牟桓,出生于1959年,毕业于四川美术学院、德国杜塞尔多夫艺术学院。他师从世界知名的“新表现主义”艺术大师伊门道夫,行走在中西两种文化之间。 牟桓的作品不能简单地归类于某一特定的学派或走向。他的作品源于简朴和诗意,他总是赋予极富个性以及引人深思的描绘,从隐喻表达和象征形式出发,牟桓在创作过程中避免了不必要的笔触,给观众留出了更多的想象空间,同时带来了新的视觉体验,非常重视绘画作品为人们带来的精神碰撞。他准确又巧妙地打开了绘画和诠释领域的一扇更为广泛以及更具创新性的大门,即东西方文化结合的现实意义。 Mou Huan, born in 1959, graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and Dusseldorf Art Academy, Germany. He studied with Joerg Immendorff, the world-renowned neo-expressionist art master, and treads between the Chinese and the Western cultures. Mou Huan's works defies simple categorization into any set school or trend. With their roots in simplicity and poetry, his works are devoid of unnecessary strokes yet rich with deeply personal, thought-provoking depictions and woven with metaphors and symbolic representations, opening up room for imagination and new experience for the viewer as part of his focus on realizing spiritual collision between paintings and viewers. In doing so, he creates a more expansive, innovative approach to painting and artistic interpretation in general: the realistic significance of marrying the East and the West.

刘 正 勇 

  Liu Zhengyong  

肖像 Portrait

布面油画 Oil on Canvas 

150 x 135cm,2022



Liu Zhengyong, born in Hunan in 1980, graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 2004. Using body as a clue, Liu discusses the the current and past landscape of human nature from the perspective of individuals. His works rethink and reconstruct the deep logic behind the relationships between recreations and repainting, the reification of the body, the wasteland, and the invisible time. Liu focuses on the process of the creation itself instead of the pursuing of end results, with the continuously emphasis on the discussions of painting and its structure construction, image and its spiritual core. 

Since 2008, Liu has been active in the international art arena. He has held exhibitions in museums and institutions across France, Germany, Italy, United States, Russia, and China, including Paul Valeri Museum, the 55th Venice Biennale, Grand Palais in France, Museum of Modern Art, Moscow.

陈 开  

Chen Kai

无声之中 1 In Silence 1

亚麻亚克力 Acrylic on Linen

130 x 160 x 4cm,2021-2022

陈开的创作探索了绘画色彩理论,抽象和极简主义思想。他以繁覆的冥想性阴影标记,点画方式,色调分层模型来深入探讨抽象绘画的多重表达形式与情感融入,对「崇高」这一理念做出更为广泛的思考和开拓。他近期的创作以自然和宇宙为灵感,通过点彩和光学调色描绘出宇宙深空的寂静和湮灭。他的独特的视觉语言挑战观众进行更深入、更细致的观看;同时,旨在为人们提供一个冥思与慰藉的空间。陈开于2018年获得Headlands艺术中心研究奖,并分别于2019年及2020年获得斯沃琪艺术和平饭店和上海狮语画廊的艺术家驻地项目。 Chen Kai, born 1990 in Wuhan, received his BFA in Oil Painting from Hubei Institute of Fine Arts in 2012, and an MFA from San Francisco Art Institute in 2018. He currently lives and works in Shanghai.

Chen Kai’s abstract paintings explore ideas of color theory, abstraction and minimalism. Through laborious and meditative stippling with optical mixture technique, the layering of colors and the modeling of tones, Chen attempts to complicate the multiple forms of expression and emotional integration of abstract painting, aiming to expand and transcend the definition of the "Sublime". His recent works are inspired by nature and the universe, depicting the silence and annihilation of the cosmos. His practice and distinct visual language challenge the viewer to look deeper and closer, at the same time, it aims to offer the viewer a space for pure meditation and consolation.Chen was the recipient of the Headlands Graduate Fellowship Award in 2018, the Swatch Art Peace Hotel Artist Fellowship in 2019 and Leo Gallery Artist Residency in 2020.

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please contact: info@leogallery.com.cn


狮語画廊丨上海  Leo Gallery Shanghai上海徐汇区武康路376号武康庭内Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031,China.Tues-Sun: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)+86 2154653261  Shanghai@leogallery.com.cnwww.leogallery.com.cn
狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong香港天后屈臣道8号海景大厦C区1203号1203, Block C, Sea View Estate, 8 Watson Road , Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Tues -Sat 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed) 
 +852 28032333 hongkong@leogallery.com.cnwww.leogallery.com.cn

